Wednesday, July 28, 2010


she's gorgeous

photographer in action
love the sign!


I was asked to do the makeup for the Naples Independent Film Festival poster; it was so fun! The photographer found a great spot down in the Everglades. I was a little nervous about alligators and snakes, but we didn't see either of them. The finished product will be in black & white so it will look amazing! I can't wait to see it! Check out the pictures I took.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


So I'm trying to instill more discipline in my life. I'm starting by eating healthy and exercising. I've always been annoyed when I see someone that lost a lot of weight and when I ask them how, they reply "eating healthy and exercising". I always want it to be a quick fix, just a cleanse or something. So I've decided once and for all if I want to see change I have to have discipline. It's only been 7 days, but I'm really focused. I've started running with my dog or doing the elliptical every day plus counting calories on my "lose it" iPhone app. For some reason it feels different than normal. Normally, I'll be super into working out for a few weeks but just eat kinda healthy or eat well but not exercise. I'm trying to do both and I just keep telling myself that I am in control of how I look and feel. Gaining weight and losing weight isn't something that just happens to you. You either don't put thought into what you intake or you do. You either sit on the couch and watch reality show marathons or you don't. I'm hoping this mindset stays with me long enough to reach my goal.

Monday, July 12, 2010


My website launched today I'm so excited! Feel free to take a look. I enjoyed working on it even though at some times it was very frustrating. I hope more people can see my work this way and I get more opportunities to be creative.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Engagement Makeup

So today I did Rachel's makeup for her engagement shoot. I did her trial wedding makeup a few weeks ago and today she wanted the same thing so she could see what it looks like in professional pictures. She made my job today very easy. I can't wait to see the pictures! is taking them and she always does amazing!

One of the greatest things ever as a makeup artist is when the bride has a twin sister, which Rachel has!! For the trial Rachel picked out 2 looks that she liked and instead of trying them both on herself or doing each eye different, I just put one look on her and one look on her sister Sarah. It was so great for the bride to see exactly what she would look like with the bolder look vs. the more natural one without removing anything! I couldn't get over it! It makes me want twins someday ;)

Friday, July 2, 2010


This is to my wonderful husband, Todd. He is my best friend and my favorite person in the world. He has been so supportive of me starting my own business and is excited to see it all unfold. I'm so lucky to have someone by my side who encourages me and wants to see me succeed. I love him.